4 centres

Fostex aims to equip the 4 innovation centres with advanced textile testing equipment, enabling to apply standard protocols and methods thus increasing testing capabilities.

The additional and complementary equipment provided to the centres answer specific needs and create synergies among the centres, maximising the installed capacities. A detailed list of the equipment was defined during the project implementation. Main aim of these innovation centres is to support companies of the textile sector through providing advanced and specialised services.

Staff of the participating Moroccan and Jordanian universities was trained in an international environment, accessing the European textile centres involved in the project. In addition, the European partners, as well as the Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI) in Jordan and the Association Marocaine des Industries du Textile et de l’Habillement (AMITH) in Morocco, were deeply involved in the setting up of the centres and in testing their operation.

Besides serving companies of the textile sector, the innovation centres support entrepreneurs who are developing new solutions using advanced textiles, students involved in start-ups, and other relevant stakeholders in the two countries. The business models of the centres ensure the sustainability of the centres in the two countries beyond the project duration.

Moroccan CENTRES

An upgraded textile center at the Ecole Supérieure des Industries du Textile et de l’Habillement (ESITH) and a new one at the Université Hassan II de Casablanca (UH2C), both located in Casablanca

Totally new and upgraded services was developed such us: quality testing, certification of products, training, informative seminars on fashion trends, new ways of organisation of production, etc.
The two centres are equipped with complementary equipment, such as:

  • Water permeability tester (ESITH)
  • Dynamic perforation tester (ESITH)
  • Universal testing machine tester (ESITH)
  • Effective opening size tester (ESITH)
  • (BAU)Laboratory Hydraulic Press (ESITH)
  • Thermal conductivity tester (ESITH)
  • Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectrophotometer (ESITH)
  • Nanofiber Electrospinning (UH2C)
  • Gel permeation Chromatograph (UH2C)


Jordanian centres

2 totally new centres were built up at the Jordan University of Science (JUST) and Technology located in Irbid and at Al-Balqa applied University (BAU) located in Salt.

The centres give the opportunity to provide new services to the textile companies such as: advanced quality testing, certification, specific training courses, workshops and seminars, funding opportunities, organisation of trade missions, support of participation in exhibitions, promotion of entrepreneurship and integration of refugees into the textile sector.
Totally new services are developed such us: quality testing, certification of products, training, informative seminars on fashion trends, new ways of organisation of production, etc.

The two centres werw equipped with complementary equipment, such as

  • Color lightbox (BAU)
  • Colorimeter (BAU)
  • Crockmeter/Rubbing fastness tester (BAU)
  • Perspiration tester (BAU)
  • Washing fastness tester (BAU)
  • Bain Marie Bath with stirring (BAU)
  • Scorch & Sublimation Tester (BAU)
  • Soxhlet extraction system for textile análisis (BAU)
  • Abrasion & Pilling Tester (JUST)
  • Ironing Sublimation Color Fastness Tester (JUST)
  • High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (JUST)
  • UV-VIS Spectrofotometer (JUST)
  • Textile Tensile Tester (JUST, BAU)
  • Fiber Fineness Tester (JUST, BAU)