The contents of this page are made available during the project implementation. Here you’ll find press materials and the public outputs generated by Fostex consortium.
The materials are addressed to any subject interested to know more about the initiative and get in touch with the consortium.
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D1.2 national report on local textile sector: Morocco
D1.2 national report on local textile sector: Jordan
D1.3 eu best practices in capacity building
D1.4 cross-country report on key findings
D2.1 Training Toolkit
Training contents and materials related to four areas: Textile Technology, Advanced Textiles and Management, Innovation Support Services, testing Equipment
Training contents and materials related to four areas: Textile Technology, Advanced Textiles and Management, Innovation Support Services, testing Equipment
D2.3 Equipment for each centre
D2.4 Advanced textiles’ centers services
D2.4 Brochures with services
D2.5 Entreprenerial plan: Morocco
D2.5 Entreprenerial plan: Jordan
D2.8 Report on synergy from EU advanced textile experts training masterclasses
D.4.5. Sustainable Business Models
Advanced Center ESITH
Advanced Center ESITH
D.4.5. Sustainable Business Models
Advanced Center UH2C
Advanced Center UH2C
D.4.5. Sustainable Business Models
Advanced Center BAU
Advanced Center BAU
D.4.5. Sustainable Business Models
Advanced Center JUST
Advanced Center JUST
D4.6 Background paper for the 1. Moroccan Roundtable
D4.6 Background paper for the 1. Jordanian Roundtable
D4.9 Recommendations – Morocco
D4.9 Recommendations – Jordan