On November 24th the FOSTEX consortium came together for its 7th transnational meeting. Actually, this meeting was held as an additional consortium meeting taking advantage of the fact that some of the partners from Morocco and Jordan were able to travel to Terrassa (ES) to have some extra face-to-face capacity building program activities. Due to the persisting travel restrictions related to the CoViD-19 pandemic, some of the partners were unable to participate physically in the meeting, thus a hybrid gathering was set up. Most important update: the project duration has been officially extended until July 2022 in order to raise the possibility to organize the planned final conference in Jordan face-to-face.

In the spirit of promoting the project results, some extra activities were also organized by consortium partner in Jordan: on December 23 a workshop on Smart Textile was held at the Textile Center at JUST.

While on December 26 to 30 Dr. Da’san Jaradat, Associate Professor of Chemistry at BAU, held a training course on textile technology targeted at staff members, students at Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU) and workers in the textile industry from Al-Salt City.
Scroll down FOSTEX’ facebook page to find some extra information regarding these activities, including the live registration here.