Updates from the advanced textile centre: equipment installed at ESITH!
Despite the difficulties in the past month due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the FOSTEX consortium went on in pursuing its objectives and is working to set up the advanced textile centres at the partner Higher Education Institutions.
Good news is joining from the Moroccan consortium partner ESITH: the purchasing process launched last year, while SARS-CoV-2 blocked almost all activities, has been concluded and ESITH upgraded its existing innovation centre with the new FOSTEX equipment. By installing eight (8) new types of appliances, the centre has now the capacity to evaluate the performance of advanced textiles. In addition, the centre will provide companies of the sector with support and training services on advanced textiles, offering a tangible opportunity for the development of the Moroccan textile sector.
The new equipment allows the characterization of mechanical, thermal and hydraulic properties of nonwovens used in construction and civil engineering. Additional appliances allow the production of bi-component fibres for the development of functional textile and the development of thermoplastic composites for the use in transportation. Finally, IR spectroscopy can be now used to analyse the fibrous composition of various samples.
The process of the equipment selection and supply involving different FOSTEX partners beside the advanced textile centre hosting institution, led to some fruitful collaboration beyond the project’s very own objectives fulfilling the European Commission’s final goal to strengthen knowledge exchange and collaboration across boarders.
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