Sixth Fostex consortium meeting: making the best out of the “new normal”

On March 3rd 2021, the FOSTEX consortium held its sixth meeting. The online meeting offered the opportunity to the project coordinator Mònica Ardanuy from UPC to update all partners on the technical progress and next steps of the project, including an overview on the status of the submitted and due deliverables.

As the COVID-19 pandemic still limits the social gatherings, plan B’s are envisioned to execute the upcoming roundtables to be held in Jordan and Morocco in summer: the events may be organised in a hybrid format having online and onsite participants. The project’s interim conference is planned to be held in October hoping that vaccinations on mayor scale may allow a physical event.  

In preparation of the planned roundtables in Jordan and Morocco, a country-specific entrepreneurial plan will be prepared by partner AEI Textils. The two (2) documents will include the main opportunities and basic market information for both countries and provide guidelines for start-up entrepreneurs. Moreover, based on the infrastructure and trained staff available, a specific business model and service offer will be elaborated for each of the FOSTEX advanced textile centres.

In conclusion, the date for the next consortium meeting has been set in July 2021, with the prospect that at least some of the partners may be able to travel and enjoy the social moments of this international collaboration.